Carry out a practical investigation in a biological context, with guidance
Introduction to the standard
For achieved you will need to do the following.
- developing a statement of the purpose, linked to a scientific concept or idea, and written as a hypothesis
- using a method that describes:
- for a fair test: the independent variable and its range, the measurement of the dependent variable and the control of some other key variables
- for a pattern seeking or modelling activity: the data that will be collected, range of data/samples, and consideration of some other key factors
- collecting, recording, and processing data relevant to the purpose of the investigation
- interpreting the processed data and reporting on the findings of the investigation
- identifying relevant findings from another source
- stating a conclusion based on interpretation of the processed data which is relevant to the purpose of the investigation.
- Form merit and excellence you will need to.
using a valid method that describes:
- for a fair test: a valid range for the independent variable, the valid measurement of the dependent variable and the control of other key variables, with consideration of factors such as sampling bias and sources of errors
- for a pattern seeking or modelling activity: a valid collection of data with consideration of factors such as sampling bias and sources of errors
- collecting, recording, and processing reliable data to enable a trend or pattern (or absence) to be determined
- stating a valid conclusion based on the processed data in relation to the purpose
- explaining the biological ideas relating to the investigation. The explanation is based on both the findings from the investigation and those from other source(s).
Glossary for Writing a Formal Scientific Report for an Investigation